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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Masterclass
September 26, 2024

Recorded on 26th September 2024 as part of the N-TUTORR Masterclass series.

This Masterclass will be in lightning round format. Dr. Allison Kenneally (Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, SETU) will be the anchor speaker, setting the scene for lightning presentations from each of our seven N-TUTORR HE partners – ATU, DkIT, IADT, MTU, SETU, TU Dublin, and TUS.

Dr. Kenneally is an experienced higher education leader and academic, with over 20 years’ experience working in the Irish higher education sector. Allison is currently Vice President for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at South East Technological University, having previously held posts in as Head of Department and Senior Lecturer. She holds a Doctorate in Higher Education Management from the University of Bath, along with undergraduate and postgraduate Degrees in Law from UCD. Her research focuses on inclusive and intersectional gender equality, organisational culture, change management and system reconfiguration in the higher education sector. She has published and consulted widely on inclusive gender equality.

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